Saturday, July 26, 2008


Here is a logo I created for our work student volleyball team, with ideas that came from a student. PHAC stands for Public Health Agency of Canada, where I work. The rest is self explanatory...I wanted to post the coloured version instead of the black and white one I did a while back.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

BMW Baby!

So I found one of my car drawings of a BMW, which one day I hope to drive :P Here it is all coloured.

First Tablet!

Hey guys, so I just bought a tablet from one of my buddy. Its a Wacom, and its awesome! Even more awesome once I get a good feel for it too, since it takes a while to get used to it. So I coloured one of my portfolio pics to see how it looks. It took me over a good hour, since its my first time and all. But its ten times better than colouring a picture with a mouse, like the elephant one.